Paideia Institute Program Code of Conduct

Be inclusive.

We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability. Different people have different perspectives, which can be valuable for solving problems or generating new ideas. Understanding and respecting each other's perspective helps us communicate and learn together.

Be respectful and considerate.

We won't all agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for disrespectful behavior. Be kind to others and choose your words carefully. Apologize when someone is hurt by your words or actions. We will all experience frustration from time to time, but we cannot allow that frustration to boil over into personal attacks. An environment where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not conducive to learning.

Be present.

We expect participants to attend all program activities. This includes being present for the full duration of the program by joining the cohort on the assigned arrival day and leaving on departure day. Participants should understand that customizing the length of their stay in the program (for example, arriving several days late or leaving early) is highly disruptive to the program and the experience of all. When making  your travel plans, please prioritize the dates of our program. Additionally, we expect participants to make our program events a priority, which means that you won’t skip class sessions and scheduled events for social appointments and personal excursions. Participants may not participate in other online programs during our program.

Don't harass.

Do not insult or put down others. In general, if someone asks you to stop something, then stop. If you believe your behavior makes someone uncomfortable then stop that behavior. Use common sense and think about the impact your words and actions may have on others.

Harassment, abusive, and exclusionary behaviors are not acceptable. If staff become aware of such behavior they will talk to the involved participants and tell them to stop.  

If a participant continues to behave in an unacceptable manner (or if their initial conduct is particularly egregious) they will be “Suspended,” i.e. instructed not to attend program activities for a period of time, or “Expelled,” i.e. instructed to remove themselves from program accommodation and have no further contact with the program.  Participants who are Suspended or Expelled will be responsible for any associated costs, and will not be eligible for any refund of course fees.

Examples of harassing, abusive, and exclusionary behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical violence.
  • Threats of violence or intimidation, including non-verbal threats such as gestures, and impeding or blocking movement.
  • Other unwanted and unwarranted physical contact, such as touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against, or poking another individual’s body.
  • Personal insults, name calling, or other derogatory comments
  • Inappropriate and/or discriminatory jokes and language, especially those using racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful terms.
  • Sharing sexually explicit, discriminatory, or violent material with other participants or posting such materials (physically or electronically) in a way which is likely to be shown to other participants.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention including staring at or directing attention to an individual’s anatomy, catcalling or other unwanted sexual comments, and sexually oriented or suggestive gestures or noises.
  • Unwanted expressions of romantic interest, including repeated requests for dates, unwelcome and unwanted correspondence, phone calls, and gifts, or other unwelcome attention. 
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.

If anyone makes you feel threatened, unsafe, or uncomfortable, please report that behavior to a member of Paideia staff and staff will help you address the issue and take appropriate action, which may include making logistical adjustments to housing or transportation to keep the involved participants apart from each other, and/or in the reprimanding, Suspending, or Expelling of the involved participants.  You also have the option to submit an anonymous report here. 

Our code of conduct includes both online and offline behavior of staff and program participants. 

By its nature, social media is a public space, and members of the Paideia community are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or termination.

If Paideia staff member makes you feel threatened, unsafe, or uncomfortable, please send an email to the director of the program in which you are participating and the Human Resources Committee of The Paideia Institute Board ([email protected]) as soon as possible after an incident has occurred. The director (or other designated Paideia representative) will take whatever immediate action they deem appropriate to stop the behavior in question and the Paideia Institute will conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether the staff member should be disciplined.